Morro Bay, California
Turtle Creek, Dallas, TX
The Rev. Dr. Matthew Larsen, Crescent Beach, Nova Scotia
A monk conforts a nun, Jerusalem
Newly ordained priest, Fr. John Sundara, prepares to celebrate mass for the first time. Church of the Incarnation, Dallas, TX.
Dinner, Amaru Village, Peru
New Dublin, Nova Scotia
Lenny Erickson and her granddaughter Caroline at the Villa Borghese, Rome
Mother and daughter at lunch, Amaru Village, Andean highlands, Peru
Petite River, near Crousetown, Nova Scotia
Copperhead, outside Eureka Springs, Arkansas
Douglas Park, Dallas, TX
Nova Scotia
Morro Bay, California
Fr. Matthew Larsen picks a fight with a lobster, held by Miss Susan Harris, Petite Riviere, Nova Scotia
It walks like a duck...
Wind surfing, Crescent Beach, Nova Scotia
Monterey Aquarium, California.
LaHave Pottery, Nova Scotia